Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy explains how we process the personal information that we collect from you when you use our websites, apps, platforms and services governed by this Privacy Policy (our "Services").

Data Controller: Web site is owned by company Leapbit d.o.o. with registered office in Republic of Croatia, Zagreb, Savska Opatovina 36, OIB: 39821269208

When this Privacy Policy applies

The following Services are subject to this Privacy Policy:

  • Pixelus ID account
  • Any service you can log into using your Pixelus ID account
  • Any other Pixelus Services this Privacy Policy is attached to

Information we collect and what we use it for

We collect your personal information when you sign up and/or when you use our Services:

  • Upon signing up: you will be asked for several personal details that are necessary to create your account and offer you our Services. Some of these fields are marked as compulsory. If you do not provide us with information which is marked as compulsory, we may be unable to provide the Services to you. Additional personal details may voluntarily be provided by you, which will enable us to provide full-featured Services and a higher degree of customization.
  • When you use our Services, either if you previously signed up for them or not, we will collect and process personal information regarding your use of such Services to improve your overall experience. You may limit the amount of information we collect by setting your privacy preferences in our Services, modifying the settings of your device or browser, or through the way you use our Services.

The data collected as well as the information we know through the provision of services are processed only for the purpose of:

  • for which they are given,
  • for which you have granted us permission to gather and process,
  • based on a legal basis: the relevant legal regulation, legitimate interest, or Terms of Use.

You have the right:

  • to know what personal information we have and process,
  • request a correction,
  • transfer your data and content,
  • right to request a copy of information that we hold about you
  • give up at any time from the given consent, in whole or partially.

If you have a complaint regarding your rights, you can file a complaint with the relevant Personal Data Protection Agency.

You can file a request for your personal information to be changed or deleted by e-mail sent to e-mail address:, and/or by regular mail to our address: Leapbit d.o.o., Data protection officer, 10000 Zagreb, Savska Opatovina 36, Croatia

Personal Information

Personal Details

This is information you give us which personally identifies you, such as your name, email address, telephone number or home address. Your personal details will be processed for the following purposes:

  • To verify your identity and assist with the identification of users: For example, your email address acts as your username to sign into your Pixelus ID account and access Pixelus cloud console.
  • Your mobile phone number provides one way in which we can verify your identity and make it easier for you to get back into your account if you ever forget your password.
  • To send important notices: For example, we ask for your email address so that we can send you a confirmation of your orders. We will also send you communications about purchases or changes to our terms, conditions, and policies.
  • To improve your user experience and the overall quality of our Services: Knowing your basic personal details lets us personalize any communications we send to you.

Information about your activities

Browsing Behavior, Device Information and Interactions

  • This entails recording details of your actions (repeated site visits, interactions, keywords, online content production, etc.) when you access and use our Services so that we can build a customer 'picture' over time. It also includes information about the devices and methods you use to interact with Pixelus Services and content.
  • We combine behavioural information (such as your browsing activity) with your personal details, but we will not store any personal details related to fields left blank by you during your sign-up process. When the use of information which personally identifies you is not necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this section, we will only process behavioural information on an aggregate basis.

We will process your behavioural, device and interactions information for the following purposes:

  • To provide, maintain, protect and improve products and Services, and to develop new ones: For example, information about how you browse our websites or search for products can be used for data analysis and research, to deliver better user journeys, provide more relevant search results or structure the way the information is shown in our Services.
  • To improve your user experience and the overall quality of our Services: Your activity such as the pages you visit or the items you view teaches us what you find important and most interesting to you on our Services so that we can tailor your experience around what matters to you most and display personalized content.
  • Device and platform identifiers let us know which device you are using to access our Services in order to customize and optimize them to your device and improve your overall user experience (e.g., providing more relevant content and advertising on the device or browser you are using).
  • Storing data locally on your device allows us to improve things like website performance and loading of content even when you are offline.
  • With your permission, to provide you with marketing communications, for example, more relevant content and offers, and latest news about products and events which we think will be of interest to you: For example, following a link to a tutorial from a marketing email, or following Pixelus on Facebook or Twitter.
  • Understanding how and where you interact with Pixelus means we can provide you with more personalized and helpful information through your preferred communication channels.

To protect our users and Pixelus:

We can monitor unusual or suspicious activities on our Services, such as automated abuse, so that we can address it quickly and inform you about potentially fraudulent activities affecting your account. We might also use your personal information for internal auditing, in order to comply with applicable legal requirements.

Settings and Preferences

Certain Pixelus Services allow you to specify your personal preferences (e.g., preferred language). Users may also specify their privacy preferences with regards to things like receiving marketing communications.

We use this information to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our Services:

Knowing your country and language allows us to display our Services in your local language, time zone and regional formats

Location Information

We gather your location data, including real-time geographic location, where you have expressly authorized us in accordance with your privacy settings of your Pixelus ID accounts, installed apps, browsers and devices. We use Location Information for the following purposes:

To improve your user experience and the overall quality of our Services:

  • We can use geographic information contained within your account to have the exact local time and date of your schedule in Pixelus Central console.
  • We do not use your location information to record your private activity for purposes other than those set in this section.
  • We do not share location information with third parties other that Leapbit group companies nor sell it to anyone.

Purchase Information

This comprises information about goods and services you buy through Pixelus Services, for the following purposes:

  • To provide, maintain, protect and improve products and services, and to develop new ones:
  • We use your purchase information in order to complete and fulfill any orders you place through the Pixelus web site.
  • To send important notices, such as communications about purchases or changes to our terms, conditions, and policies:
  • We use your purchase information to ensure we send you an accurate order confirmation email.

Payment Information

We will not process or store your bank or credit/debit card details used when purchasing goods and services. Payments for purchases will be completed through third-party payment platforms. Your banking details will not be shared with Pixelus.

Cookies and other technologies

Cookies and similar technologies (e.g., web beacons) are small pieces of information used to store technical and/or personal details, identify users of a service and enable certain functionalities. To learn more about the cookies used by our Services and how to reject them, please visit the Cookie Policy applicable to each of the Services, which can be accessed through the homepage of our websites or the relevant section of our apps.

Legal Basis for using your personal information

Pixelus will only process your personal information where we have a legal basis to do so.

The legal basis will depend on the purposes for which we have collected and use your personal information. In almost every case the legal basis will be one of the following:

Performance of a contract with you: where you have ordered or requested products or Services from us and we need to use your contact details and payment information in order to process your order and deliver the products or Services to you.

The legitimate business interests of Pixelus: where it is necessary for Pixelus to understand our customers, promote our goods, products and Services and operate effectively as a multinational manufacturer of imaging and photography products

How we share your information

Except as set out in this policy or where you have provided your consent, the personal information processed when you use our Services will not be shared with or disclosed to other individuals or businesses, for their own use, but may be shared with local government bodies if so proscribed by law, or our tax and legal consultants.

How we protect your information

Your personal information is held on secure servers and is not processed for any purposes other than those set out in this Privacy Policy. The servers Pixelus uses to store this information are accessible to authorized staff only and Pixelus ensures that adequate security measures are in place.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have with us has been compromised), please immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us at the contact details below.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We will update our Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure you are promptly informed of Pixelus data processing activities. We will not engage in any processing operations that might put in risk your personal information, and will gather your explicit consent where necessary to safeguard your right to privacy and where required to do so under the law of your local jurisdiction. We will keep you updated on any changes to this Privacy Policy through the Services. We will also use any of the communication methods provided by you to inform you on important changes to this Privacy Policy. If you continue using our Services after having been unequivocally informed on the updated Privacy Policy, you agree to be bound by the updated terms.

Contacting Pixelus

Please contact pixelus with any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy on our support page.

Last modified: 2019-06-06

Version: 1.1.0

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